Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Fall

Wow!!!! its been a while that I was able to write...I guess Im gonna have to buy a cheap netbook or laptop so I could write when I want and  not have to sit at the desk where I work at all day.....No offense but last night I left the office at 11:30PM just trying to catch up on paper work and found myself laying in bed listening to my ipod till 3:00Am and it was opera and big band......Really I need a vacation!!!!

They say that Fall (Autumn) is starting really its been a very long hot summer.....Todays high is 95 and the current heatwave started back in May....5 months of bad sweat.......

Maybe that explans this years hurricane season, what a dud to say the least....It seems like someone sprinkled retard dust in the Atlantic.....Each  storm is kinda of like spinning in circles and going no where.....Fred was the most powerful recorded hurricane to spin its self into a dud and look like a ballon losing its air....And gee you would think that the Hurricane Gods would make someone named Grace already and into killer cane like Katrina just because of their twisted sense of humor.....Why dont they give us names like Bubba, Butch and Leroy????

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Miami's in Trouble Now!!!

Ok people I wanted to go Downtown Miami tonight and scream at the Miami Commision meeting since tonight is residents turn to scream about the 427 million dollar deficit, but I have to go to a meeting for my sons possiblt after school program....

Lets see tropical storm Ericka is falling apart....Personally I think she is going to drift through the carribean and pop into a hurricane over the bahamas this weekend and then the stupid politicians will saying oh no what do we do now!!!!  But thats ok there's a few more big storms spinning off of Africa and in about a week we might have Fred.....What a stupid name for a feirce storm....

I sent the last two days at Tire Kingdom trying to get an oil change and tire rotation  and now after going to two different stores my TPMS tire pressure  light indicator is on.....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello. everybody today all of South Florida is looking at satellites and wondering whether Erika will be around to spoil the upcoming Labor Day weekend. Now the media is downgrading her to a depression eventhough the original forecast was for her to meandor west and be negatively affected by high wind shear. I think that she will do just that and then by the weekend explode in the hot waters of the Bahamas.

Today was weird I had to go to Coral Gables and South Miami for what we call a drive by exterior appraisal. I stopped at a Publix and even the shushi guy didnt speak a word of english only Japanese. Later I stopped by a Big Lots and asked two employees about about the price of something and both of them No Habla English not a word at all, nope, nothing at all.

Lets See what else well I am fighting with Miami-Dade county zoning and building Department, because after living in the same house for nearly 13 years the county has decided to slap me for a bubch of permits that were never taken out over the past 40 years. They dont care and only come out to houses that someone else called or complained and thats what happened since my neighbor is building a pool and I said no to them ripping out my fence.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good Morning Everybody......Seriously dont know how all you bloggers have time to do this everyday.....How do you work, take care of your families and blog, twitter and facebook too...

Anyway, those of us natives down here in South Florida are anticipating a Tropical Low to become a Tropical Depression and then to become Tropical Storm Erika, sounds like an exotic dancer to me or Erika Cane from All my Children, she can either be quite bitchy or a beautiful woman spinning and dancing on a tabletop, but she can also have fake boobs.....Anyway, If we were in the cards for a hurricane, pesonally I would like to be kicked around by Erika and not Fred who just spun off the coast of Africa.....All I think about when you say Fred is the cartoon Fred, Fred Burgar my son used to watch about some elephant looking character....
Gotta Run to work......Will Write Later....