Thursday, September 3, 2009

Miami's in Trouble Now!!!

Ok people I wanted to go Downtown Miami tonight and scream at the Miami Commision meeting since tonight is residents turn to scream about the 427 million dollar deficit, but I have to go to a meeting for my sons possiblt after school program....

Lets see tropical storm Ericka is falling apart....Personally I think she is going to drift through the carribean and pop into a hurricane over the bahamas this weekend and then the stupid politicians will saying oh no what do we do now!!!!  But thats ok there's a few more big storms spinning off of Africa and in about a week we might have Fred.....What a stupid name for a feirce storm....

I sent the last two days at Tire Kingdom trying to get an oil change and tire rotation  and now after going to two different stores my TPMS tire pressure  light indicator is on.....

1 comment:

  1. Here they are facing trouble now....I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now as I've not seen your driving yet. Just be careful, courteous, and patient. Tires Miami
